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Of the chemical industry
For development and security
Medicine Sengoku ash planned the utilization of limestone resources since the formation in 1930 and made an effort at creation of the new value. I make use of the longtime results and continue aiming at development and the security of the chemical industry in future.
We of limestone resources plan effectively utilizing it
I will contribute to global environment protection
I make the house environment that is kind to the earth with a person
I you and be and be and be

What's New

Ceremony of the 94th anniversary of the foundation
A ceremony of the 94th anniversary of the foundation was held on Thursday, May 23.
  • (2024-05-28・1690KB)
Yakusen lime
3362, Isachoisa, Mine-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL. 0837-52-1148
FAX. 0837-52-1125
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