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Of the chemical industry
For development and security
Medicine Sengoku ash planned the utilization of limestone resources since the formation in 1930 and made an effort at creation of the new value. I make use of the longtime results and continue aiming at development and the security of the chemical industry in future.
We of limestone resources plan effectively utilizing it
I will contribute to global environment protection
I make the house environment that is kind to the earth with a person
I you and be and be and be

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shikkunon construction photograph (DIY)
From one constructed GW nishikkunono,
An impression and a photograph of the construction have been sent.
The impressions are as follows.
 Thank you in various ways.
 Entrance, corridor on the first floor, two rooms on the second floor.
 I was able to finish painting safely.
 Thanks to you, I was finished very neatly.
 Like a craftsman, was not able to completely do it in detail, but is satisfied enough; was finished.
 I worked in two people with a wife this time last time, but was able to clean even us of the real amateur as such.
 I want to paint with the point that I was not able to paint with this time sometime soon.
 Please discuss the rights and wrongs then.
 Thank you.
The wall of the Japanese-style room thinks that good self-care was great,
It was painted very neatly.
O, thank you!
Yakusen lime
3362, Isachoisa, Mine-shi, Yamaguchi
TEL. 0837-52-1148
FAX. 0837-52-1125
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